Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Why a Teacher?

Tuning my System of Beliefs

I will continue to re-define my personal goals for this will energise me, renew my enthusiasm and prolong the success that has characterised my leadership, administration and teaching.
I will seek to building community and empower those with whom I interact.
I will display initiative and focus upon the development of intrinsic motivation.

Leveraging my Experience

I will persist with developing my own student-centred learning environments to grow my understanding of ways of empowering the whole student.
I am committed to mentoring colleagues and actively leading them towards improved student learning outcomes.

Dedicated to Lifelong Learning

I will be steadfast in my belief that quality teaching stems from undertaking curriculum development within my school, at district and at state levels.
I will engage in new and different ways with my school and professional communities to advance my teaching skills.

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