Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Memory Game Reflection

Task Reflection

1. What parts of the task were most enjoyable? Provide reasons for your answer.

Finding the most appropriate hardware devices.

Selecting the best images to use in the memory game.

2. What parts of the task were least enjoyable? Provide reasons for your answer.

Coming up with precise descriptions for each hardware device.

They were difficult to come up with because they needed to be specific enough for students not to mistake them for other devices.

3. List FOUR skills you have learnt from completing this activity.

Mix and Match Teacher strategy

Linking images with text

Linking devices with keywords

Linking keywords to descriptions

4. Do you feel your colleague successfully constructed their memory game? Provide reasons for your answer.

Yes, I believe my colleagues have successfully constructed their memory game based on the observation of many of their lesson plans. These student teachers are very capable of constructing games such as this one.

5. What were some of the things you found challenging about this task? How did you overcome the challenges?

It was difficult developing a specific description for each hardware device. I overcame this challenge by reading through each description and making sure they did not apply to any other device. I also tested this game out on family and friends who had no trouble distinguishing between images and descriptions.

6. Suggest areas for improvement in your game and your colleague partner’s game.

More input and output devices can be included.

More detailed images, possible inclusion of multiple images.

Computerized version of this game can be created to be used on students laptops or classroom smart boards to make it more interactive.

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